Monday 18 February 2013

Tuesday 19 Feb

Today I walked around the whole block which is on a hill so I literally went round and round the (mini) mountain and I put the clothes out to dry (that's right Mum, I do do work at home away from the computer). It's now 9am, which is amazing because I'm usually fast asleep, happily in another world at this time, but the sun was penetrating my curtains at about 7am and my room was slowly cooking me so I had to wake up. I managed to hand out two flyers today at a bus stop and it was really awkard even though I vaguely knew one of the two people. I'm still looking out for a new job, I've been sending resumes here and there, checking online, obsessively looking in the corner of store windows quite often to find that the exciting piece of paper is just a security notice or opening hours sheet. I also need to buy uni books, but once again there is a Chinese New Year superstition that means I can't buy them till next week after the New Year's fortnight, so by the time I get my books we'll be through a few chapters already. And for lunch today I'm looking forward to spag bol! Yum! : )

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