Thursday 28 February 2013

ALLYSWAY- my weekly highlights

This week I've decided to post 'allysway' to celebrate my first week of uni, and one less day of work!
I could easily embed an 'allygator' post here about the monotony of lectures and the inevitable half an hour of textbook and society advertising before each lecture; but instead I will tell you about the freebies of O week.
So over the last few days I've managed to collect a vast array of pens, canvas bags, a vibrantly colourful collection of post it notes, rulers, a microfibre towel, a canteen/bottle, a tonne of coupons, a keyring bottle opener, highlighters, cans of coke, muffins, snow cones, and other strange concoctions and some other bits and pieces- I love freebies! ( I am sad however that I missed out on free pancakes and  usbs and gym bags and battery charging ipod cases (which I actually really need!), but nevertheless free stuff is always good and I am satisfied with my week's worth of hoarding.)

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